Woo hoo! It’s time for our 2nd Annual Summer Fun(d)raiser Party!
With the generous support of our community, we have a super fun party coming together! We’ll have cold brew from Red Star Cafe, treats from See & Be Kitchen and Nina’s Delightful Bites, music by Ukulele Catskill and the fabulous Brasskill brass band. Plus a showing of kids’ art, a screening of a film that our summer campers directed, mini art workshops by Stephanie Dougherty, Laura Anderson, and Elisabeth Kent, and more!
Plus, stay tuned for more info on the fabulous items in our silent auction! If you can’t attend in person, you can always get in on the fun by bidding online, or making a donation. Wheelhouse is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible.
The event is free, with opportunities to donate sprinkled throughout as you are able & inclined. Donations will support our free community programs, and the financial aid fund that we are rebuilding after our building purchase this past year.
Can’t wait to see you!